Friday, April 4, 2014

Generous Hearts

And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

                                                            Acts 2:46-47

               The first part in these verses that sticks out to me is “day by day”, the people in the early church daily received what they had been given with gladness and happy hearts and gave thanks to the Lord for what He had done for them. They daily came before the Lord as a body of believers, shared in communion and gave thanks to their creator. And at the end it says “the Lord added to their number”, the Lord blessed their thankful hearts and added people to their group that were getting saved. Receiving all they had been given with thankful for hearts, do I do this on a daily basis? Do I realize how much the Lord has blessed me with and how I don’t deserve any of it, but He generously gives it to me. Because the Lord does this I need to receive what He has given me with a thankful heart and the Lord will see that and He may bless it. For He sees our heart behind all we do and the reason we may do something, even if nobody else sees it. And He wants me to have a heart of gladness and generosity because He has lavished on me so many blessings, adding to my faith daily and adding to my life with Him. When it says they received their food with generous hearts I can’t help but think that that means they shared what they had been blessed with. They realized it was not their own, for it was the Lords, and they freely shared it and gave it to those who needed some. This is exactly why God blesses us sometimes with things, so we may share His love in that way and give it away. Sharing His love and grace to those in our life each and every day.

Application- pray for a heart that receives His blessings with gladness and generosity.

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