Monday, June 2, 2014

Build Each Other Up

               We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, “The reproach of those who reproached you fell on me.”
                                             Romans 15:1-3
               Paul is sharing here his thoughts on loving one another and living in a way that pleases the Lord. And he starts of chapter 15 by telling us that those who are strong must bear with those who are weak. We all have different things we have gone through, different convictions, different things that draw us away from where God wants us. And as we fellowship with others and daily interact with them, to be sensitive to convictions and certain things people have gone through. For if I am strong in one area and my fellow brother is not, then I must submit to his weakness and build him up. I need not continue to do whatever the act may be and make my brother stumble. I am to look at my neighbors and see what they would want and how I can help them be built up in Jesus, and not seek to please myself with what I want, even if I can handle something more than my brother. Being here in Kenya and living with people that I have only known for four months has been a struggle honestly, learning how to interact with each other and how to build each other up. Each one of us here are so very different and have such different backgrounds, which brings along its own difficulties. God has been teaching me to be sensitive to my teammates and what they struggle with and need help with, even if I don’t struggle with the same things I need to help them out and bear their burdens with them. it has been a humbling experience and this is only the beginning. I need to seek Christ and look at His life and how He did not please Himself, but sought the good of those around Him and sought to build them up in whatever way possible. I pray that as we continue to grow closer as a team that we seek Him and learn to daily bear with each other on a deeper level.

Application- pray for God to give me wisdom in how to bear with my teammates and build them up and not be prideful in who I think I am. 

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